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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

Official So Are We Cool Again Pluto Is A Planet Shirt

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Having had a security Official So Are We Cool Again Pluto Is A Planet Shirt clearance, I can assure you that being deep in debt is a HUGE red flag because it makes you susceptible to outside influence. Ordinary people would never be able to get a security clearance if they had such over-leveraged finances. I guess this could also explain why Kushner, who was originally denied a security clearance, was given one at Trump's demand. What's just mindboggling to me is that it is a "could". Serious question, is there anyone else in the world that is likely to have more personal debt? That sounds like a lot. In the meantime, if any of us falls behind on the mortgage, credit cards. BUY IT: Official So Are We Cool Again Pluto Is A Planet Shirt of

Official Vote Barbecue 2020 Election Vote Shirt

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Adding to it that Official Vote Barbecue 2020 Election Vote Shirt you are driven only by this need, and not actual vision, ability, or work ethic. So that you are woefully under suited to do any of the things you’ve thrust upon yourself. The end result being, you live every moment of your life under extreme stress, always extremely unhappy, because there are a million ways you may get destroyed on any given day, all because taking an honest look at yourself and your upbringing is nothing you are willing to entertain. Do you think his kids know how big his debts are and how their inheritance will be? can flip a couple of them. That sounds like falls into the “hateful” category.  BUY IT: Official Vote Barbecue 2020 Election Vote Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official Barbers Make The Best Dads Shirt

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When your money Official Barbers Make The Best Dads Shirt comes from (or is underwritten by) the mob, the consequences are there, just not what you’d normally expect. You know. I’ve been thinking. Even if Trump was worth what he said he is, like a multimillion level. Why the hell would anyone believe he’s the greatest businessman ever? Imagine being given hundreds of millions of dollars, or even a few million dollars, and being so insecure. And desperate for validation that you put all of it at tremendous risk to try and grow it to some value that would never be enough.Do you think his kids know how big his debts are and how their probably flip a couple of them.  BUY IT: Official Barbers Make The Best Dads Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official Keep Yapping Man 2020 Shirt

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Especially Official Keep Yapping Man 2020 Shirt considering to whom the money is owed. I are really thought Mueller would see that and be like a dog with a bone tbh. I think in order to run for the highest office, or if is you're in congress to get access to any classified information, you  need to pass a background check similar to the ones intelligence officials get. It only makes sense when you're handing the keys to our democracy to someone, you definitely want to make sure they're not controlled byforeign interests. We all  have some type of dept but I a cannot fathom how you could have  in debt and not go to jail or file for bankruptc couple of them.  BUY IT: Official Keep Yapping Man 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

OfficialDadacorn Like A Dad Just Way Cooler See Also Handsome Exceptional Shirt

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Imagine your OfficialDadacorn Like A Dad Just Way Cooler See Also Handsome Exceptional Shirt total net worth. Anything you own outright (from pets to plates, clothes to car), what's its value second hand? Add that amount to the pile. Do you pay a mortgage? If you could sell it tomorrow and pay off the principal then and there, add it to the pile. Pay off all existing bills and add any money you have to the pile. Retirement investments (minus penalties and taxes paid for early withdrawal) - on the pile. That's your net worth. The military will pull your clearance for a bad check but this con man is running our entire govt with no GOP senate investigation and his cult hate experts and into the “hateful” category.  BUY IT: OfficialDadacorn Like A Dad Just Way Cooler See Also Handsome Exceptional Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official Dungeon Minded The Darkest Dungeons Are In The Mind Shirt

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So a friendly wake Official Dungeon Minded The Darkest Dungeons Are In The Mind Shirt up call. And this is the man voters say they trust most with the economy. I can't understand the lack of logic of these people. Maybe they need to make that a minimum requirement for the presidency - you can't be in debt (or maybe in debt up to a certain amount) to run for president. This president has been a disaster for our country if nothing else we should take this away as a lesson your vote matters and you need to vote for a person of good character. Trump and his cult hate experts and anything they say. Else we should take this away as a lesson your vote matters and you to vote into the “hateful” category.  BUY IT: Official Dungeon Minded The Darkest Dungeons Are In The Mind Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official Golf Make Retirement Great Again Shirt

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God knows he’d broker Official Golf Make Retirement Great Again Shirt that info into a deal somehow. If I have a lot of debt, they see that as high risk because I could be compromised into doing things. I’m not supposed to by someone eager to help me with those debts. Fortunately, my debts are minimal (house and car). Also, I have ethics. I pay thousands in federal income taxes each year, too, just to throw gas on the fire. I’m pretty sure there is no way he’d pass the background checks for even entry-level DoD civilians. This point needs to be hammered by the Democrats. Who is the President in debt to? This president has been a disaster for our country if nothing . BUY IT: Official Golf Make Retirement Great Again Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official In A World Where You Can Be Anything – Be Kind Shirt

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This is an important Official In A World Where You Can Be Anything – Be Kind Shirt consideration when attempting to conceptualize how we as people try to either  grow and change against our internal programming or embrace the primitive, fear-driven survival mechanisms exploited by the powerful. All attempts at all forms of government since the beginning of  civilization have failed and fallen eventually. We live a brief moment in the ripple of events started long ago and swimming against the current is impossible alone. What is the concept of democracy for? To prevent   too much power by giving others a voice.  Because we is  are not mature enough to handle power without into the “hateful” category.  BUY IT: Official In A World Where You Can Be Anything – Be Kind Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official Juneteenth In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Shirt

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I think we all just Official Juneteenth In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Shirt learned what dog whistles are. Their language didn’t change, our understanding did. We need to all take a long hard look in the mirror and ask why we were so ready to ignore other peoples racism so blatantly for decades. Making them scared just sweeps it under the rug. But if we can't get rid of racism, is it better for them to be out and emboldened? Hate crimes spiked after Trump was elected. Our country gets less and less racist every generation, maybe that slow march towards is the best we can hope for without a full civil war. Because we are not mature enough to handle without abusing it.  BUY IT: Official Juneteenth In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official Veteran Let Us Never Forget All Gave Some Some Gave All Shirt

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If you're white and don't Official Veteran Let Us Never Forget All Gave Some Some Gave All Shirt experience direct racism. They feel safe saying it out in the open now. I think we all just learned what dog whistles are. Their language didn’t change, our understanding did. We need to all take a long hard look in the mirror and ask why we were so ready to ignore other peoples racism so blatantly for decades. Making them scared just sweeps it under the rug. That just sweeps the racism under a rug for another few years until the hate implodes again. Racism is a fear based thought form, fear is not the solution  Dems picked from their top 5 list of worst possible candidates and ran with it. BUY IT: Official Veteran Let Us Never Forget All Gave Some Some Gave All Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official Work From Home I Barely Work From Work Shirt

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Anyone still supporting Official Work From Home I Barely Work From Work Shirt it has chosen to forfeit any claim to be a good person. Unfortunately they believe the exact same thing about Democrats. We are a broken, divided people. How we survive as a nation long term is unclear when the dividing line is over a fundamental understanding of right and wrong. There is no common ground to be had when we believe the opposition are bad people, and for me it's worse because I really do believe it so I can't even envision being part of a solution if it meant compromising with Republicans. It reveals what has been under the surface for a long time.of defeating Trump but the “hateful” category.  BUY IT: Official Work From Home I Barely Work From Work Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official Yes I Do Have A Retirement Plan I Plan To Build Hot Rods Shirt

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But now it's clear Official Yes I Do Have A Retirement Plan I Plan To Build Hot Rods Shirt that the goals are completely different. Two sides have directly opposing views of what America means to them and what a successful America would look like. They're not fighting over how to accomplish their goals anymore, they're fighting over the goals themselves. My wife and I were discussing this last night. There's no going back to a pre-Trump era. Too many have shown that their irredeemable views were hiding just under the surface. Trump supporters have had more than enough evidence to know that this man, his beliefs, his platform and his party are immoral and hateful legitimate chancesm ran with it. BUY IT: Official Yes I Do Have A Retirement Plan I Plan To Build Hot Rods Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official 2020 Toilet Paper The Year Of The Lockdown Christmas Shirt

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I feel this, I’ve been Official 2020 Toilet Paper The Year Of The Lockdown Christmas Shirt really struggling with the views of my parents for the past few months. I have too and it’s even harder when there the type that say political views shouldn’t affect relationships. But what it tour political view aligns with immorality and hate? There was a time, just a few decades ago, when most people in the US wanted the same thing: they wanted a strong economy with lots of jobs, they wanted low crime, they wanted to take care of the less fortunate. The big disagreement was how to accomplish these goals, but otherwise everyone wanted the same thing. I think a number of them would have had actual. BUY IT: Official 2020 Toilet Paper The Year Of The Lockdown Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Official Assuming I’m Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Shirt

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I read that kinda Official Assuming I’m Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Shirt everyday. Nobody cares about 16yr olds on reddit’s political opinions. The trump-hating cult is real, you guys are childish as hell. All hate is ignorance. Even people on the left who hate Trump supporters or Trump himself are ignorant, though maybe less so in ways. If you see the right as bad, you miss the path to how to unmake their hurtful ways. You almost validate it by saying that. A lot of people actually understand that what he does or says is very racial, but they approve it. They also feel that white supremacy, that hate and it resonates with them. Because he's neither hateful nor i have had actual. BUY IT: Official Assuming I’m Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Nice In Loving Memory Your Wings Were Ready But Our Heart Were Not Heart Wings Version Shirt

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Anyone who is a pro-trump Nice In Loving Memory Your Wings Were Ready But Our Heart Were Not Heart Wings Version Shirt at this point is a traitor to America and does not get to live here any more. We have to clean house like Germany did after the Nazis. I think a more accurate view is that we are presented with 2 dumpster fires and people would rather go with trump cuz we all have 4 years experience with that one and change can be intimidating. We had some very promising candidates and I think a number of them would have had actual legitimate chances of defeating Trump but instead the Dems picked from their top 5 list of worst possible candidates and ran with it.but I suppose that falls into the “hateful” category.  BUY IT: Nice In Loving Memory Your Wings Were Ready But Our Heart Were Not Heart Wings Version Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Nice Pig It’s Just A Bunch Of Horkus Porkus Shirt

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After this many years of Nice Pig It’s Just A Bunch Of Horkus Porkus Shirt it I don’t think it can be ignorance anymore. These are people who are just closet racists or hateful people. They will mingle with a black family if the situation warrants it but go home and call them the n word or joke about racist stereotypes. They’ve always been hateful or ignorant. If you support Trump, you are stating Racism is not a big enough issue to you to change your mind. You nailed it on the head. My sister is a Trump supporter, and I have not spoken to my sister in over five months. It’s unfortunate that this is where we are at. They also feel that white that hate and it resonates with them.   BUY IT: Nice Pig It’s Just A Bunch Of Horkus Porkus Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Nice Proud Member Of The Cocktail Party 2020 Shirt

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There is no more changing Nice Proud Member Of The Cocktail Party 2020 Shirt a pro trump supporters mind. At this point we need to focus on those who would rather not vote because they feel unrepresented or disillutioned with the democratic party. Unfortunately it's not just the hateful and ignorant that need engaging. The majority of people that will vote for him do not care for him specifically but will do whatever it takes for their party to win. Reaching those people is the hardest part. Because it's baked into their beliefs that their party is best for the country at all costs. I’d argue they still him out of spite, but I suppose that falls into the “hateful” category.  BUY IT: Nice Proud Member Of The Cocktail Party 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Nice Pug Dog Halloween Tree Shirt

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That's what I've realized, Nice Pug Dog Halloween Tree Shirt it's no longer about how he'll improve your life or the republican party/agenda. It's just malice, it's hatred, they're having fun feeling superior with Trump on their side. The people who support Trump are the type of people who attach their sense of right and wrong to someone they see as a role model and change their worldview according to that person's actions. It's how every fascist regime starts. Propaganda. It is insidious and comes from both sides in an effort to divide. In my experience, it’s almost always willful ignorance. They value supporting their team over else we could possibly think of. .   BUY IT: Nice Pug Dog Halloween Tree Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Nice Rescuing Dogs Is Like The Mafia Once You’Re In There’s No Getting Out Shirt

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I respect his because at Nice Rescuing Dogs Is Like The Mafia Once You’Re In There’s No Getting Out Shirt the very least he's honest about why he supports Trump. And in truth when we HAVE talked politics, he finds Biden and Harris far more acceptable than Bernie or Hillary. We actually had a good discussion when Biden picked Harris for his running mate about what she brought to the table for him. Hell my friend hates black people and even she won't vote for Trump. Your a special type of fucked up if your still for him. Hateful. Enough has been posted about the things he’s said that you couldn’t be unaware of them, or their by now. They value their team over else we could possibly think of possibly think of.  BUY IT: Nice Rescuing Dogs Is Like The Mafia Once You’Re In There’s No Getting Out Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Nice Stand Back Stay Ready Trump 2020 Shirt

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I think the trick is to come Nice Stand Back Stay Ready Trump 2020 Shirt in pretending to be stupid about what they mean, and ask them to explain like I'm 5. They respond well when we play stupid, because it allows them to think they are smart. One of the biggest Trump supporters I know is neither hateful nor ignorant, but rather more focused on the tax breaks for the rich because he's rich. And wants to get richer. And has under Trump. The thing that also blows my mind is that he's gay and living with his husband of 4 years and the majority of his friends are gay. Thing is, I still consider him a friend because he's neither hateful nor ignorant, and we never talk politics .  BUY IT: Nice Stand Back Stay Ready Trump 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Nice The Dead Don’t Follow Me I Do Stupid Things Vintage Shirt

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At least those that Nice The Dead Don’t Follow Me I Do Stupid Things Vintage Shirt support Trump are politically motivated. They definitely get a lot of respect in that department from me. And makes me really sad DC to see many of them hoodwinked hard with fewer actually racist. Those that don't pay attention whatsoever are doing more damage than these people. If they actually put some effort into politics. I get we got reason to be pissed at Trump supporters, but you better give the same hell to your apolitical friends that have definitely help ruin this country. Look up some agitating techniques online. You have to plant little seeds. I sometimes to do this on without getting downvoted.  BUY IT: Nice The Dead Don’t Follow Me I Do Stupid Things Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Good You Don’t Have To Be Crazy To Paddle With Us We Can Train You Vintage Shirt

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They are supporting Good You Don’t Have To Be Crazy To Paddle With Us We Can Train You Vintage Shirt him because his self interest aligns with theirs at the huge expence of the greater good. They are on par with the Nazi citizens now. If Trump manages to win this, the world is going to become seriously unstable. Putin is winning in a big way. I had posted a couple thoughts to facebook myself.  And something about Hillary not accepting the election results.  I just deleted the comment because it's just not worth it when someone is that far down the rabbit hole. It’s rough when they’re family. Appreciate you raising me, butbehavior would never have been tolerated. Why are they cool with even explicit racism. BUY IT: Good You Don’t Have To Be Crazy To Paddle With Us We Can Train You Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt
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Being confronted with Good Blue’s Clues & You Josh Portrait Premium T-Shirt their hypocrisy or hatred enough times can encourage a person to change their mind. I used to be a more angry and hateful person until I realised too many people I respected were treating me differently. It does make a difference imo. But it does have its benefits, being a calm voice of reason is valuable not to everyone else in the room but to myself. At the end of the debate I can pride myself on not losing my cool whereas. The other guy is going to be replaying our conversation on repeat in his mind until the end of the day. Thing is, I still consider him a friend because he's hateful nor ignorant.  BUY IT: Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Good Come To Darkside We Have Paintball Guns T-Shirt

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I think a lot of them Good Come To Darkside We Have Paintball Guns T-Shirt are single issue voters. He conservative so while they may say they don’t like how he talks or they don’t like how he tweets, they still support him because they’re “pro-life” or they want “stronger borders”. Hearts and minds, one at a time. It takes mental energy and you can’t win them all but I think rational and calm discourse is really valuable these days. You may not convince someone over Facebook then and there but you can be a voice of reason for them to have to justify themselves to, and one that doesn’t make them feel disenfranchised.The other guy is going to be replaying our conversation on repeat. BUY IT: Good Come To Darkside We Have Paintball Guns T-Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Good Dallas Champs 2020, Hockey Sticks And Stars, Dallas Champion T-Shirt

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Or greedy, I know Good Dallas Champs 2020, Hockey Sticks And Stars, Dallas Champion T-Shirt a lot of people who are voting for him solely because they’ll get tax cuts under a red president. When your greed allows you to look past his absolute failure to lead our country as a society... I don’t even know what to say about that. Many of them do it under the guise of “well, with the money I save I help many other people”. My business owner appears to be this way. I imagine he sees it as a benefit both personally and to the business, but he still talks a lot of about Trump. After he talks, he tends to backpedal, but only seemingly trying  conversation on repeat in his mind until the end of the day.  BUY IT: Good Dallas Champs 2020, Hockey Sticks And Stars, Dallas Champion T-Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Good You Can’t Kill The Boogey Man T-Shirt

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But now with Good You Can’t Kill The Boogey Man T-Shirt facebook and twitter, everyone is in a bubble. I feel like the only person stepping outside of their bubble. I legit read things like drudgereport, fox news, etc. Not because I think they are right, but I need to know what those people's talking points are going to be. I am absolutely a liberal but I don't keep myself in a liberal bubble. I still believe that a vast vast majority of people my age are not racist. Yet, I also never saw us doing anything to ensure racism did go away. I just think we thought it would happen naturallyn of blatantly racist ideals  but only seemingly himself them are feel disenfranchised.   BUY IT: Good You Can’t Kill The Boogey Man T-Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Good Harry Potter Lucius Malfoy Caught Poster T-Shirt

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The early Good Harry Potter Lucius Malfoy Caught Poster T-Shirt iterations of the internet did not tolerate racism from what I saw. I was on the very first wave of it. I was logging into BBS systems all over the country via modem. Even early versions of the web, didn't tolerate hatred like we see today. People talk about twitter and facebook censorship. People talking about that were not around in the early years. The only place where I can remember hatred happening was on newsgroups which I doubt most people even know what they are. But the shit voices always got overrun with people telling them to shut it of blatantly racist ideals if the internet had never and even explicit racism. BUY IT: Good Harry Potter Lucius Malfoy Caught Poster T-Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Trump Will You Shut Up Man Shirt

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There is a world of difference between subtle biases in infants and racism. Additionally, young children often think skin color can be changed like the color of their clothes. I don't disagree with this being a contributing factor. But I don't think that explains what is happening now. I agree with this. Especially for less diverse areas. Take the mid-west for instance. Compared to where I live, the mid-west overall is a sea of white faces. Their exposure to a diverse population is next to nil outside of big cities. Where as in my state, you is  can't avoid knowing and interacting with people that look different than you much their . BUY IT: Trump Will You Shut Up Man Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia Shirt

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We were doing so well stigmatizing Trump Will You Shut Up Man Shirt hate and bias in the ‘90’s, or, at least, that’s how it seemed at the time. Sometimes it feels like technology is deadening our ability to sense or perceive our shared humanity. I don't think something as pervasive and somewhat intrinsic as bias towards things. That are similar to ourselves can possibly be extinguished in a single generation's time. I realize children aren't born racist, but studies show that even infants show a bias favoring members of the same ethnicity. It’s interesting. I wonder if our generation could have largely succeeded in eradicating at least the public expression. BUY IT: Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Hot Stitch Ohana Coffee Shirt

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The people who think that white Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia Shirt privilege can’t possibly be real. Because they’ve struggled to stay afloat their whole lives are fearful of losing that small sliver of “superior” status they achieved merely by being a member of the racial group that’s held the overwhelming majority of power, wealth, opportunity, security and control over the levers of government in this country. I also think the Great Recession and the increasing wealth disparities in this country make racism more difficult to overcome. It’s interesting. I wonder if our generation could have largely succeeded in eradicating at least the public expression. BUY IT: Hot Stitch Ohana Coffee Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt
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Your perspective is interesting Hot Stitch Ohana Coffee Shirt I Might Not Have Everything I Want But I’m Thankful For Everything I Have Shirt to me because I'm 44 and view things differently. Or at least, I don't blame our generation for the continued existence of racism. I don't think something as pervasive. And somewhat intrinsic as bias towards things that are similar to ourselves can possibly be extinguished in a single generation's time. I attribute the apparent resurgence of explicitly racist attitudes to the fact that white people are steadily losing majority status. Which is, IMO, deeply alarming to many of those people who know deep down inside. How much their lives have benefited from structural and even explicit racism. Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Los Angeles Lakers The Lakeshow NBA Finals 2020 Shirt

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I have heard so much racist Los Angeles Lakers The Lakeshow NBA Finals 2020 Shirt shit spoken around me, it is dumbfounding. But I never challenged it. I wrote those people off and left it unchallenged. THAT is the mistake of my generation. We left racism go unchallenged because we thought it would disappear. As it has been stated, it isn't enough to be not racist. You have to be anti-racist. You hear racist shit spoken, it is your job as an american to challenge it. Shut it down. I wasn't scared, I just felt those people were crazy and ignorant. I should have been challenging those shitty ideas my entire  expression of blatantly racist ideals if the internet had never become a thing.   BUY IT: Los Angeles Lakers The Lakeshow NBA Finals 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

No 666 Hunter Comic Supernatural Tales Shirt

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There will never be a No 666 Hunter Comic Supernatural Tales Shirt perfect candidate or a perfect political party. When looking at what republicans do and are trying to do compared to what democrats are doing or are trying to do - how? How can you say "both sides"? Explain yourself. So I am 42 years old. I grew up in the south. My views did not match the adults that surrounded me. So I am 42 years old. I grew up in the south. My views did not match the adults that surrounded me. What I have come to understand is that my generation fucked it up. We thought that since we weren't racist, we were inclusive, we supported people of all colors, things were going to be ok. BUY IT: No 666 Hunter Comic Supernatural Tales Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Raining Cat It’s Fine I’m Fine Everything Is Fine Shirt

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People need to understand Raining Cat It’s Fine I’m Fine Everything Is Fine Shirt this. Its time to drop this bullshit. Republicans have decided they don't need to compromise. This centrist garbage is an implicit acceptance. Your "both sides" fence sitting garbage is killing this country. "Both sides" didnt rally white supremacists in the first presidential debate. One side did. Only one. Its a real fucking low bar to meet. Condemn white nationalists. How his inability to do so isn't a very glaring and harsh red flag that screams "do not vote for me" is beyond me, so I have a for you courting white nationalists and pushing I should have been challenging those shitty ideas my entire life.  BUY IT: Raining Cat It’s Fine I’m Fine Everything Is Fine Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Sloth Cycling Team We Will Get There When We Get There Vintage Shirt

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Only one party openly Sloth Cycling Team We Will Get There When We Get There Vintage Shirt supports ws. This is the diff and its a big difference. We can't let it become open accepted policy again. The dems r ruled by cultural ws too, they just can't be open about it or their civil rights pan racial/sexual orientation and liberal coalitions will break apart. Ws is the ruling logic of America. Stop this bipartisan bullcrap, that's not acceptable after seeing how far the right is willing to go to ensure their selfish and destructive comfort. Blaming both groups just works to undermine the severity of what's actually going on. Exactly how is this "both sides"? One side is very clearly. BUY IT: Sloth Cycling Team We Will Get There When We Get There Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Snoopy And Woodstock Stanley Cup Champions 2020 Shirt

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There is a whole system Snoopy And Woodstock Stanley Cup Champions 2020 Shirt of people who are ready to put you in contact with the rigorously proven most persuadable people in the country. You know this is actually a great idea. I've been wanting to make more of a difference and contribute something, anything really. This would be a fantastic way to do that. Thanks man. It’s an effective strategy. The left now has to back up anything they say with legitimate sources and information. How are you in a thread about one candidate refusing to condemn violent white supremacists and seriously trying to blame both sides? Stop "do not vote for me" is beyond me,so I have a question for you.  BUY IT: Snoopy And Woodstock Stanley Cup Champions 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Green Eyed Redhead Will Shake You To Your Soul Shirt

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Coming from a Green Eyed Redhead Will Shake You To Your Soul Shirt small town I felt they were under represented. I thought their opinions, as dumb and uneducated as they were, had as much validity as anyone's. Now I think I see how stupid this was. That's all this boils down to. They are voting to gut their own social security benefits. They're voting to gut their parents medicare. It's part of why I've just given up on trying to do research to show people the truth. It's not worth it at all. What you need to do is volunteer to phonebank on a Democratic campaign. They arent even close anymore. The GOP has always been worse and they just keep on getting more worse every day. BUY IT: Green Eyed Redhead Will Shake You To Your Soul Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Proud Boys Stand Back Stand By Shirt

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I take every opportunity Proud Boys Stand Back Stand By Shirt to insult them with their own words, to make them look and feel stupid. I make sure our texts and emails are group emails, so there are witnesses to the event. Have no sympathy. It's their own fault. You are right, this is a real problem. People unfortunately mistake silence with acquiescence. This is the part that really upsets me. Trump has it easy. He can bluster, he can out right lie, insult, and disparage and his dumb ass supporters think that's just being a macho strong man leader. I feel like such a fool for defending the 'salt of the earth' type of people when I was in college and for years after.  BUY IT: Proud Boys Stand Back Stand By Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Vote And Tell Them Ruth Sent You Shirt

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I'm done asking Ruth Bader Ginsburg Vote And Tell Them Ruth Sent You Shirt anyone who supports Trump to explain their reasoning, because my neck can't spin 360 degrees every day of the week. I logged in to say, you can't change their minds. I've come to completely accept this. It's an utter waste of your energy to put any effort into even speaking to dump supporters. They have chosen their path and come hell or high water they won't change. Well I've chosen my path too I suppose. Unfortunately all who think like we do are diametrically opposed opposed to them. So I continue to engage them.I feel like such a fool for defending the type of people when I was in college and for years after. BUY IT: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Vote And Tell Them Ruth Sent You Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Snoopy And Charlie Brown Watching Florida Gators City By Night Shirt

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After all this time I do Snoopy And Charlie Brown Watching Florida Gators City By Night Shirt not feel the needle has moved. The only time it even budged was when George Floyd was murdered. I'm just tired. I can't fight against the constant incoming tide of disinfo and manipulated news anymore. We're all tired of fighting what we were raised. In the same communities as the rest of our compatriots to believe is morally right and wrong. I guess if you want to pretend you aren't racist or a bad person for holding those views despite taking the same implicit bias training I have taken, you can do it without me. I feel that last part you put. views despite taking the same implicit bias training I have taken. BUY IT: Snoopy And Charlie Brown Watching Florida Gators City By Night Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Star Wars Giant Yoda Return Of The Shredi Shirt

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Totally agree. Some Star Wars Giant Yoda Return Of The Shredi Shirt merchants here in Ohio have signs singing Trump praises and alternately disparaging democrats. I guess they don't want my business. I've struggled with it also. Someone very close to me voted for him in 16. I have come to understand how more alike than in unalike we are (we are human, we are both susceptible to the same human foibles and manipulation); that he is more 3D than I would have thought. That a big part of it is the different ways we receive news. I have empathy based on the last part. But damn I am just tired.I guess if you want to pretend you aren't racist or a bad person for holding those. BUY IT: Star Wars Giant Yoda Return Of The Shredi Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

This Proud Deplorable Will Vote Donald Trump 2020 Shirt

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I understand This Proud Deplorable Will Vote Donald Trump 2020 Shirt why they'd make that choice, but I hate to see it. A business needs to consider the impact THEIR political beliefs have on the employees. If it impacts businesses, which it does, then that impacts the lively hood of the employees. For the sake of the employees, they should keep the businesses side out of politics. I got that the first time you said that political messages hurt a business. You can address the counterpoint I gave or not, but don't just repeat yourself. I walked into an interview at a larger company in the southeast and they had Trump stuff everywhere.I feel that last part you put and for years after.  BUY IT: This Proud Deplorable Will Vote Donald Trump 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Girl Loves Oklahoma Raiders Halloween Skeleton Heart Shirt

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B UY IT: Girl Loves Oklahoma Raiders Halloween Skeleton Heart https://viewtees.com/product/girl-loves-oklahoma-raiders-halloween-skeleton-he art-shirt/Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone Shirt

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I am in a pretty blue state but in a rural area. A local business has a trump sign in front of it. I called them and told them I would never ever use their company and that I would tell all my rich friends the same thing. I hate that their political message is to support Trump, but personally I support a business owner expressing their beliefs through their business. It's their business. I won't shop at a place that supports Trump, but I'll go out of my way to shop at a place that supports Biden. What I hate to see is a company that clearly has a side but refuses to express it because they want to pander to their customers. BUY IT: A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Snp I Hate Morning People And Mornings And People Vintage Shirt

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I sent in my voter registration Girl Loves Oklahoma Raiders Halloween Skeleton Heart Shirt last week and keep checking the SOS but nothing yet. Hah yeah good luck it sucks here. Most fun things are at least a couple hours away. Funny part about Devin Nunes is I believe his county is number one in Calcares usage yet they still vote for him. A lot of people under Trump supporter managers that have to toe the line as well. I’ve seen business opportunities crumble but I’m not doing business with racists and won’t nod my head while being disgusted. I actually am thankful that some blatantly racist businesses have helped indentify . I would  give my money owner who supports hate.  BUY IT: Snp I Hate Morning People And Mornings And People Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Rimmer The Man The Myth The Smeghead Vintage Shirt

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I live in red state A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone Shirt as well. Every other house has multiple Trump flags. It's disgusting. Even more so after last night. There are a lot of businesses that have Trump flags. That's a lot of businesses that now are on the same side as racism. We all have green money, but they just turned away many customers. One of the dumbest things a business can do, especially a small business, is make political statements. Not that I disagree with the money point. But not every body of the 60% will just stop buying products because of political views. They’ll be cognitive about it but that number is probably lower owner who supports hate.  BUY IT: Rimmer The Man The Myth The Smeghead Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Halloween This Witch Lifts Shirt

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I struggle between engaging Snp I Hate Morning People And Mornings And People Vintage Shirt with people who will never change their minds and not doing my part. If you’re still pro-Trump at this point you’re either hateful or ignorant. That’s it. I had that same thought 2 years ago and let it be known each and every time he did something massively stupid. Whatever he did afterwards if people supported him no matter what. I live in blood red state so I’m hearing the dumbest people speak up when they don’t know how any of this works. Another Oklahomie checking in. Shit's fucked. I work in tech for an oil and gas company, They’ll say 95% of the workforce here are Trump supporters.  BUY IT: Halloween This Witch Lifts Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Kamala Harris I’m Still Speaking Shirt

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So it's exactly like being Rimmer The Man The Myth The Smeghead Vintage Shirt on the left only its all made up. They are the real threat and I have been terrified every day for 4 years now. I dont watch any regular tv news outlets anymore but you sound as snowflakey as Alex Jones is nuts. I agree. And the fact that he will still have over 40% makes it even more concerning. I have people posting shit on FB that I have unfriended or will never look at the same way again. That stuff isn’t ok. I literally just post to FB that trump is racist. I lost a lot of friends last week. Like super close friends. Then he goes  and I’m not sure they understand how racism works and thrives.  BUY IT: Kamala Harris I’m Still Speaking Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

Women Hunt Too Beware We Hit What We Aim At Shirt

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You can't beat Trump with Halloween This Witch Lifts Shirt logic, you have to make him look foolish and pathetic to his supporters. I'd love to see Trump try to argue with Steve Hofstetter. I think one of the problems is the media groups can only sway people so much, if they get the impression that their readers are going to switch support to starmer or perhaps another conservative leader then they need to get ahead of that trend and pretend they are with it so they can appear to be influential. I think that's why they are holding back. That's also why Murdoch ditched brown. He knew it was a when your selling influence and power you need to be on the winning side.  BUY IT: Women Hunt Too Beware We Hit What We Aim At Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt

92% Of Studies Found That Sitting On A Beard Shirt

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I don't recall what Kamala Harris I’m Still Speaking Shirt her retort to that was, but if it wasn't, "Um, Donnie, we're adults here, this isn't kindergarten. Do you want to try again?", it wasn't enough. Yeah, on one hand I think very few of us are well equipped to deal with when people just act completely and absurdly out of their age, on the other hand shutting that down would have done a lot of good for the debate in general. You'd need a forum with a moderator willing to enforce civility rules, and Trump will never agree to it. All he has is taunting and bullying, putting on a show for his cult. He'd be destroyed in average politically active high school student.  BUY IT: 92% Of Studies Found That Sitting On A Beard Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Tshirt